var m = {"digit":"Enter digit only.","required":"This field is required.","required_short":"K\u00f6telez\u0151 mez\u0151.","date":"Check the dates.","cvc":"CVC is required.","reg":"Please choose a Registration Fee type.","payment":"Please choose a method of payment.","accomod":"Please mark, whether you need an accommodation.","invoice":"Please check it if you want invoice\/receipt.","cancel":"Please mark that you have read and accept the cancellation terms.","card":"Please select type of your card.","expired":"The card is expired.","card_date":"Invalid date.","card_date_req":"Please enter a valid date.","card_valid":"Please enter a valid card number.","card_digit":"Please enter a valid card number. Use only digits. do not use spaces or hyphens.","card_amex":"Please enter a valid American Express Card number.","card_ecmc":"Please enter a valid MasterCard number.","card_visa":"Please enter a valid Visa Card number.","card_number":"Sorry! This is not a valid credit card number.","hotel":"Please select a hotel and room type.","arrival_check":"Please check the arrival and the departure date.","arrival_req":"Please select your arrival and departure date.","arrival":"Adja meg \u00e9rkez\u00e9se d\u00e1tum\u00e1t.","departure_check":"Please check the arrival and the departure date.","departure_req":"Please select your arrival and departure date.","departure":"Adja meg elutaz\u00e1sa d\u00e1tum\u00e1t.","accperson":"Please fill the accompanying person(s)\u2019 name(s).","email":"Please enter a valid email.","country":"Please select the Country.","lunchreq":"V\u00e1lassza ki, hogy h\u00e1ny szem\u00e9lyre ig\u00e9nyel vacsor\u00e1t.","social_program":"Please choose a social program."};